Welcome to the Bard’s Truth!

This blog discusses George R R Martin’s World of Ice and Fire, where his series, “A Song of Ice and Fire,” and HBO’s series, “Game of Thrones” and the upcoming “Blood of the Dragon,” based upon GRRM’s “Fire & Blood” are set.  We will mainly focus on magic and the magical lineages within this world, especially as relates to House Stark and House Targaryen.

My first series “The Direwolves of Winterfell.” discusses how each of the Stark children possess the magic to warg their direwolves or skinchange other beasts or entities. The series does a deep dive into how their bond is formed and expressed, as well as how each is tied to their pack. The completed series has six parts; Sansa and Lady’s bond is tackled first, followed by Robb / Grey Wind, Arya / Nymeria, Bran / Summer, Rickon / Shaggydog, and Jon / Ghost. When “The Winds of Winter” blow, magic will ramp up in the world.  Expect to see more from the Direwolves of Winterfell.

My second series “Dany’s Dragon Bonds” focuses on Dany and her dragons and uses the learning from the direwolf series for a deeper analysis of their bonds.  Though the series is yet incomplete, several parts of the five-part series are published so far.

I have several short posts in my “Starry Wisdom” section that focus on Kingsblood, the Great Empire of the Dawn, Valyria, and their scions.  We also tackle related magic, such as glass candles and Valyrian steel.

If anything is left it would be here.


I am the Green Bard. I blog, sing, and record about medieval fantasy / sci-fi. I like A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, Shannara, and more. You might see me at the Michigan Renaissance Festival, an Irish Pub, open mic night, a con or some other weird place. Say Hello! Peace!

Support us on PatreonGreen Bard Gear Available Here.  My YouTube channel is here. Audio-only versions of my videos / blogs are available on “The Bard’s Truth” Podcast on Spotify and anchor.fm/bards-truth Check us out on Facebook:  Follow us on Twitter:  We can also interact on reddit, thelasthearth, and westeros.org, where I am known as ‘Alivealive0’ or The Green Bard.


Images used on this site provided with permission by @CiciCustomz (my daughter) on Twitter, or the Ana LaRouche (my wife) of artmusicstudio.us. These are copyrighted. I am also using some of the copyrighted art of Heiner Hertling of https://www.heinerhertlingart.com with permission.  Some ASoIaF fan artists have also permitted me to use their work in my content.  This permission is non-transferable.

Some of my content features the original music of Salsa Norte, written by Guy LaRouche and / or Eric Anderson, recorded by Salsa Norte, and copyright Hot Karl Records, all rights reserved, used with permission. Other music on the site is public domain or written and performed by the Green Bard, copyright Tri-Dynamic Musical Explorations, all rights reserved.

My handle comes from the Irish Song “Molly Malone”, which was immediately brought to mind when I read the Cat of the Canals chapter. The Chorus:

Alive, Alive, Oh! Alive, Alive, Oh! Crying Cockles and Mussels, Alive, Alive, Oh!

I play this song and other folk songs with my actual Irish Band: The Bold O’Donohughs.

I have completed a Braavosi adaptation of the song.  Watch and listen here:

I’ve been a Wild Rover for many a year! — The Green Bard